Learn More About ERCC
What is the ERCC?
• Forum for coordination and information exchange, joint decision-making on state
electronics recycling laws
• Managed by two respected non-profits – National Center for Electronics Recycling
(NCER) and Northeast Recycling Council (NERC)
• Two Types of Members
- Voting: State government with electronics take-back laws
- Affiliate: industry, non-profits, state/local without legislation, trade associations
Why the ERCC?
• Offers stakeholders a one-stop shop for information on state laws
• Coordinates data gathering and information sharing
• Formalizes joint, but non-binding, responses on key implementation issues
• Provides discussions that lead to more harmonization across states on key issues
• Addresses methods for identifying and reducing overlap, effectively saving resources
• Provides a formal process for making decisions (i.e. new products, gray areas,
standardized reporting guidelines)
Activities of the ERCC:
• Brand-manufacturer tracking database
• Consolidated online manufacturer registration system – www.ecycleregistration.org
• Market share data gathering and joint purchasing for consistency across states
• Collection Site Best Practices
• Coordinated responses to non-compliant companies
• Data tracking of performance measures
• Workshops at E-Scrap Conference, presentations on state activity across country
• Consumer awareness surveys
Benefits of ERCC Membership:
• Monthly member calls with updates from member states on developments,
deadlines and data, and annual meeting
• Members-only pages of ERCC website with in-depth analyses, Brand and
Manufacturer Tracking Database (consolidated, searchable database of all state
registration lists)
• Participation and input into key projects as they move forward – registration
database, workshops, sales data, self-reporting database,consumer surveys,
guidance for CRT management, and more
What is the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse (ERCC)?
The ERCC is a forum for coordination and information exchange among the state agencies that are implementing electronics recycling laws. While the laws in the states vary in their structure and impact, there are many basic areas of overlap that can be implemented in a consistent manner. The ERCC will serve to identify and coordinate joint approaches to common challenges.
Who are the members of the ERCC?
The ERCC is divided into two basic types of membership. The first are the voting members, who are states that are implementing electronics recycling laws. Voting members are eligible to serve on the Executive Committee, which provides policy and administrative oversight of the ERCC. In addition to the voting members, the ERCC includes an affiliate, non-voting membership made of industry other organizations. The ERCC provides affiliate members a forum to efficiently and effectively meet with state regulators to discuss the various aspects of their legislation, and a single resource for important information needed to make timely decisions that affect issues in multiple states.
What types of activities or projects does ERCC work on?
The ERCC serves as a forum for discussion and coordinated responses between member States and other stakeholder members through monthly calls and other meetings. The ERCC also collects and maintains updated data on collection volumes, manufacturer contact information, and return share. Additionally, ERCC manages projects such as eCycleRegistration (combined online manufacturer registration forms); and joint purchasing of market research data; and state level consumer awareness surveys.
What are the benefits of the ERCC?
By offering a coordinated approach for states that are implementing state electronics recycling the ERCC minimizes the administrative process for states and the regulated community, creates a centralized location for receipt and processing of registration and reports, and maintains a formalized system that allows for the discussion issues related to the implementation of electronics recycling legislation.
Where do I go for more information?
The ERCC is administered by the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) and managed by the National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER).
For more information contact Jason Linnell (NCER) at jlinnell@electronicsrecycling.org or Megan Fontes (NERC) at executive.director@nerc.org.